Here is what your palm size reveals about your personality

Your hands can tell you so much about your personality! The hand type can give you some insights of your career and personality. In order to know what your palm size tells about your personality, you must first know the shape of your hands (though not precisely). The shape of your hands is divided into the shape of the palm and the length of your fingers.  The palm size can either be rectangular or square. The length of the fingers depends on the middle finger compared to the width of the palm. If the fingers are longer than that, they are considered long and if shorter then short.


If they seem equal then fingers are usually considered shorter.

Short fingers, square palm

They are the �Practical� people. They are usually down to earth and stable. They cannot deal with fakeness and pretentious behavior. They tend to be more family-oriented. They want loyalty, security, reliability and conformity in any relationship. They are close to nature and are animal-lovers. They are usually more focused on the past than the present. They prefer working outdoors and don�t mind doing work repeatedly. Rather than reasoning their decisions are based on intuitions.

Long fingers, rectangular palm

They pretend to have a calm behavior because according to them, thinking is more important than action. They avoid conflict and competition. They are deep, serious, analytical and methodical. They are more of solitude and take their own time for important decisions.Relationships are very important to them and are subtle and emotionally acute.

Long fingers, square palm

They are pensive, practical and curious ones.. They can be very patient and need a lot of space. Their nervous system is often over worked. They are quick-witted and know how to express their feelings. They are natural instructors and advice givers.

Short fingers, rectangular palm

They are outgoing, enthusiastic, creative and goal-oriented. They are happy when they are busy. They are full of ideas and eager to start projects. They need change and variety. They make good leaders and tend to be more individualistic. They are best suited to be skilled workers and enjoy such occupations.

Your hands offer a visual representation of your personality and thus reveal the best path to take. Personality is more about what you are than what you want to be. The physical features have been gifted to us by God but our parents raise us the way in which they want to see us. So I feel, these lines keep changing each day, each second. What one has to be depends on him.

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