10 Fruits that have highest Vitamic C

Human body requires vitamins for its growth and development. There are about 13 Vitamins which our body needs and they are categorized into vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. Most of the vitamins are consumed by the food we eat and our body can make vitamin D and K. Fruits and vegetables are rich source of these vitamins.
Before we learn about the fruits containing vitamin C, let me tell you about the importance of vitamin C for our body. Each vitamin have their own function and they perform certain task in our body to keep us fit and healthy. Based on many research vitamin C is a high required nutrient which gives a very good immunity that helps in curing many deadly diseases.
Vitamin C has helped in protecting our health from cardiovascular problems, cancer, stroke, eye issues, fever, cold, flu etc. Studies states that it requires to consume 500 milligrams of vitamin C along with five servings of fruits and vegetables everyday. Vitamin C is a water soluble and hence it should be consumed on a daily basis and it helps in boosting the immune system.
So, now we know that vitamin C is a very important ingredient for our development, not all fruits and vegetables are rich with it. Each fruit is rich with a particular vitamin, and most fruits are rich with multiple vitamins although the percentage varies.
Some of the fruits rich in vitamin C are,
10. Mangoes
The king of all fruits, mangoes are the most desired fruit and which feels yummy to eat. The fruit is one of the delicious fruit, which is originally cultivated in tropical regions of India. The fruit is either sweet in taste and sometimes they are sour depending on the variety and its ripeness. Mango is rich in vitamins and minerals. According to a latest research the poly-phenolic anti-oxidant compounds present in mangoes offers protection against the breast and colon cancer. The presence of vitamin C helps in developing a good immune system which helps in fighting against many common diseases. Mangoes are eaten in variety ways, and it is desired in all stages of its growth. Mango squeezed into a fine juice is also a healthy drink. An unripe green mango is used in dishes prepared as chutney or sometimes they are used in preparing pickles. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in mangoes is 28 mg (46 % DV)
9. Pineapples
One of the most juicy fruit which is favored by all ages, pineapples are one of those fruits which gives a lot of energy to our system. Although this fruit is seen more in its season, depending on different places, it is available through out the year in most parts of the world. The fruit is made up into tiny parts and each is represented with a spiny marking looking like an �eye�. The fruit is in cylindrical shape with a blue-green leaves at the tip. Deep inside the fruit it is sweeter in taste. Pineapple is one of the fruit which is rich in vitamin C and is observed in preventing many diseases along with fever, cold, ear infections and flu. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Pineapples is 48 mg (80 % DV)
8. Strawberries
A fruit which is unique in many things and known for having seeds outside, is also one among those fruits which is rich in vitamins. Small in size and one can pop a few strawberries every day is a favorite among many. These berries which are extremely tasty and is a favorite among all, is a fruit which is not only rich with vitamins, but also with many other vitamins. It is also rich in antioxidants which helps in reducing the stress and helps in reducing the LDL cholesterol which helps the heart. Popping a few of strawberries will help boosting up the vitamin C content in the body. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in strawberries is 59 mg (98 % DV)
7. Oranges
Oranges are the fruit recommended most times and one of the fruit most commonly used in salads and other fruit dishes. Taking vitamin C fruits especially at the time of illness helps in boosting up the immune system, but sometimes too much of vitamin C intake can also cause digestive problems. Although the nutritional rate varies among oranges depending on its growth from different regions, still it is a very good source of vitamin C intake. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Oranges is 59 mg (99 % DV)
6. Papayas
The yellow fruits with multiple black seeds inside, is one of the sweet tasting fruit which is also rich in vitamin C. Papaya is a fruit which is rich in many vitamins and which is a natural source of energy. This fruit is eaten in variety ways. An unripe green fruit used in cooking a curry and ripe yellow fruit is eaten raw which tastes sweet. Like all other fruits, its also used in salads. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in papaya is 62 mg (103 % DV)
5. Kiwi fruits
Kiwi is one of those fruits which is rich in vitamins as well, and is needless to say most fruits are. Kiwi is a small fruit about 3 inches long and weighing about four ounces. As we know that vitamin C is an excellent water soluble nutrient which is seen in reducing the severity of health conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma etc. Vitamin C is also seen as a strong source for developing the immune system. Considering the importance of this vitamin, research shows that Kiwi is a fruit rich with vitamin C. The vitamin also helps in many skin ailments, hence the fruit is also used in preparation of many skin creams. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Kiwi is 93 mg (155 % DV)
4. Black Currants
These currants are grown in the regions where summer is humid and winter is cold and chilling. The fruit is about 1 cm in diameter which looks like very dark purple, almost black with a glossy skin which contains about 3-10 seeds. Currants are of three colors, red, white and black, and black are more nutritional than the other currants although the others more sweet in taste. Black currants have a strong tart flavor and they are usually cooked before eating. Because of its richness in vitamin C, they are a strong source of providing immunity in the body and helps in fighting many diseases. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in black currants is 181 mg ( 302% DV).
3. Guavas
Eating a ripe Guava with a pinch of salt and chilli powder is one of the tasty snack which many children prefer to eat probably even we adults too. But did you know the beneficiary facts in eating this fruit? Guava is one of the fruit which is rich in vitamin C that acts as the anti-oxidants. The important fact here is, the outer peel contains more vitamin C, hence eat the fruit without peeling the skin and of course after cleaning it with clean water. Studies says that this vitamin is required for collagen synthesis within our body, which is required to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. So, do add up this fruit into your bowl of food daily to keep yourself fit, and also add in the snack box of your kid to keep him or her active. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Guavas is 228 mg (381 % DV).
2. Amalaki fruit
A fruit which is packed with a lot of vitamin C as well as with a lot of proteins and vitamins. This fruit consists of 80 % of water in it. When this fruit is consumed by drying it in the sun, it retains more of the vitamin C. This fruit also which is rich in fibers helps in constipation and regulates the bowel action. It also helps in reducing the blood pressure and maintain the cholesterol levels. Its used for many purposes like anti diabetic, helping in treating conjunctivitis, glucoma, treating diarrhea, promote hair growth, prevents premature graying and with many other health problems. Amla is a very rich source of good health and which helps to heal many problems in our body. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Amalaki is 700 mg.
1. Acerola Cherry
A fruit which is small in size and red in color is the one which holds big punch of vitamin C. Acerola cherry is a fruit which is not available in all the seasons, all though they are sold in variety of forms. When the fruit is not available, one can get it in the powder form. Depending on the fruit some of them taste sour and most taste sweet. The fruit is also rich with many other vitamins. The unique thing of this cherry is the presence of novel flavonoid. Its a West Indian cherry and the plant needs tropical or sub tropical climate. The fruit tends to be 1 inch in diameter. As we already know the vitamin C helps in preventing diseases relating to heart, skin, eyes, bones, ulcers and gastritis, Acerola is a fruit which helps in all these issues. The Vitamin C content per 100 gram serving in Acerola is 1678 mg (2796 % DV)

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