2nd Month Pregnancy Diet - Which Foods To Eat And Avoid?

Pregnancy Diet

First of all, congratulations! You will soon be discovering the joys of motherhood.
The �2nd month� begins at five weeks of pregnancy. Many women tend to cross their 1st month of pregnancy without even realizing that they are pregnant. During this time, your nutrition is one of the most important things, as it will help your baby develop normally and healthily.
In the second month of pregnancy, you may suffer from morning sickness and this can turn you off food. However, you should persist in eating properly, as 2nd month of pregnancy diet place a crucial role; this is when the neural tube begins forming and later develops into your baby�s brain, spinal cord and nerves. In addition, basic circulatory system and heart beat also develop during this period. Hence, 2nd month of pregnancy diet is extremely important. Read on to know more about which foods to eat and avoid in your 2nd month pregnancy diet.

Some Vital Nutrients That You Should Include in 2nd Month of Pregnancy Diet.

1. Folic Acid:

Folic acid or folate is a B vitamin, an important vitamin to be taken in the first few weeks of pregnancy, as it facilitates normal development of the neural tube. If you do not takefolic acid supplements, your baby has the risk of developing neural tube defects or being born preterm.
Foods such as spinach, fortified cereals and beans are high in folic acid. You should ideally consume about 400 mcg of this vitamin every day during the second month of pregnancy.

2. Iron:

During this period, your blood supply increases to support your baby. If you do not get enough iron from your food, you will end up feeling tired all the time and also develop anemia. You should be looking to consume 27 mg of iron every day from the time you become aware you are pregnant. While you can get some iron through food, the amount is not sufficient. Hence, you also should be consuming iron supplements after speaking to your OB-GYN.

3. Calcium:

In the second month of pregnancy, your baby�s bones begin ossifying. This requires calcium. You should consume 1,000 mg of calcium every day. You can easily get calcium through food sources, such as dairy products and leafy green vegetables. If you do not add calcium in your diet, your body will leach calcium from your bones and teeth, making them weak and brittle.

4. Protein:

While most women are under the impression that protein intake is necessary during the second and third trimesters, it is not true. You should begin consuming extra protein the moment you know you are pregnant. Protein ensures proper blood supply to your baby and also facilitates normal development of muscles in the baby. You can get protein through low-fat cottage cheese and fish. However, make sure the fish has low mercury content. Your daily protein consumption should be anywhere from 75 g to 100 g.

5. Foods to Avoid:

Many pregnant women are so focused on eating right to aid their baby�s development that they often forget there are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy.
Here is a list of foods that you should not eat during 2nd month of pregnancy diet, as well as the rest of your pregnancy.

1. Meat Spreads:

This is one food you should avoid, as meat spreads contain Listeria, which can adversely affect the growth of your baby.

2. Soft Cheese:

Cheese, such as Brie, Roquefort and Cammbert, should not be consumed during the second month of pregnancy as it contains E. coli bacteria. You risk infection or pregnancy complications when you consume soft cheese.

3. Liver:

Since you are looking to increase your iron content, you may consider eating liver in the second month of your pregnancy. However, this is one food you should not eat just now, as it contains retinol and can result in a miscarriage.

4. Unpasteurized Milk:

If the milk is not pasteurized, do not consume it. Such milk contains microorganisms and pathogens that put your health at risk. Also, unpasteurized milk may contain salmonella and other harmful bacteria.

5. Alcohol:

You may already know this. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is dangerous, as it could lead to birth defects. So, it is best to stay away from it completely.

6. Raw Eggs:

Raw or slightly cooked eggs are a no-no during the second month of pregnancy, as you risk salmonella infection. This could prove to be dangerous for you and your baby.

7. Processed Meats:

Avoid all types of processed meats, such as luncheon meat and salami. These are refrigerated and prone to pathogens. Any meat you eat should be cooked well to kill all bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

8. Raw Fish:

Do not give in to your desire to eat sushi and peeled seafood, such as crabs, lobsters and shrimp. If you are looking to eat cooked fish, you can eat fish where you are certain that mercury levels are low.

9. Pre-stuffed Birds:

Stuffed turkey and other poultry should be avoided during the second month of pregnancy if they have not been cooked beyond 180 degrees. The juices of the raw meat could cause proliferation of bacteria and you risk infection and also threaten the well being of your baby.

10. Cookie Dough:

You may love baking and as a result, you could have the habit of tasting your cookie dough before you place it in the oven. However, refrain from this habit, as cookie dough contains raw eggs and this means you risk exposing yourself and your baby to salmonella infection.

Your Second Month of Pregnancy Diet:

You should be looking to consume fresh food, like fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not consume or be partial to frozen foods. Make sure you eat lots of protein to help your baby�s muscles develop. Also, increase your calorie intake by consuming more starchy food rather than going in for sugary foods.
You should be keeping a close watch on what you eat. Try not to eat too much salty, fatty and sugary food. In case you are suffering from morning sickness during your second month of pregnancy, drink ginger ale made from real ginger root or chamomile tea. Try not to worry about your food intake. Once you cross 12 weeks of pregnancy, your morning sickness will disappear and you will be able to eat a healthy and nutritious diet to support your pregnancy.

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