6th Month Pregnancy Diet - Which Foods To Eat And avoid?


Congratulations mommy-to-be! You are now about to enter the third trimester. The sixth month is already here, which means you are that much closer to having the little bundle in your arms.
The sixth month means you are in control of the nausea and your hunger pangs may be increasing, as baby needs more nutrition to grow at this stage. Wanting to eat all the time is a normal part of the sixth month during your pregnancy.
In addition to eating regularly, you also need to eat right, as everything you eat now will play a huge role in your baby�s development. This is why it is vital that you include healthy foods 6th month of pregnancy diet to be in shape for the birth, as well as provide the right amount of nutrition for your unborn child.

6th Month Of Pregnancy Diet � What To Eat?

Eating healthy is of utmost importance throughout your pregnancy, especially now that your baby is growing rapidly. Everything you eat will contribute to your baby�s development and growth, so you need to pay extra attention towards your daily diet.
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Before you follow the below mentioned diet, remember that every woman�s body is different, and what may be good for others may not work well for you. Remember to check the diet with your doctor before you start any of the items mentioned. Also, stay away from anything that your health advisor may have asked you to avoid.
Here are some foods that you should definitely make a part of your diet during sixth month of pregnancy:

1. Protein:

This important nutrient should be a part of your daily diet. However, you should avoid fatty fish and the skin, also meat fat. It is in fact a good idea to avoid too much meat, and especially red meat.
You should go for:
  • Lean meat
  • White fish
  • Eggs
  • Black beans
  • Tofu
These foods will benefit you and your child by giving you the protein that your body requires.

2. Carbohydrates:

A portion or two a day of carbohydrates is recommended during pregnancy. But keep in mind that this depends on how much weight you have gained.
You should go for:
  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • Sweet corn
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Oats
These are some of the foods that are rich on �carbs� and healthy too.

3. Vegetables:

The goodness of vegetables is no secret and during your 6th month of pregnancy, they are an even more important part of your diet.
You should go for:
  • Beetroot
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Turnip
  • Eggplant/Brinjal
  • Green beans
  • Tomatoes
These delicious vegetables will do a world of good for your baby and you.

4. Fruits:

There is nothing like fresh fruits to refresh and revitalize you. The goodness that they pack in makes them the best food to eat while you are pregnant.
You should go for:
  • Bananas
  • Grapes
  • Kiwis
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Clementine
  • Oranges
These are great sources of nutrients that will aid in your baby�s development and growth so stock up on these delicious foods!
Facing complications during pregnancy? Get ready help from Gynecologists on Lybrate now.

5. Dairy Products:

If you avoided dairy products before your pregnancy, now is the perfect time to indulge! The calcium you take in will aid in making sure that your baby�s bones grow strong. If you are worried about gaining excess weight, you can opt for skimmed or low-fat dairy products. You do not need to worry as these are still rich in calcium as well as protein. However, make sure you check with your doctor, as some women develop lactose intolerance during this stage, while some doctors may ask you to stay off skimmed milk completely.
You should go for:
  • Yoghurt
  • Cheese
  • Milk

6. Fluids:

You should drink plenty of water and fruit juices during this stage of your pregnancy. Experts recommend 6 to 8 glasses of fluids every day to replenish your body and also give your baby essential minerals that are present in water. Fresh fruit juices will give you the necessary nutrients to have a healthy pregnancy and baby!

6th Month of Pregnancy Diet � What To Avoid?

Many women often have cravings for rather unhealthy foods while they are pregnant. While it is okay to indulge moderately in some junk food, there are certain foods that should be avoided at all costs while you are pregnant, especially up to your 6th month.
Here are some of the foods that are an absolute no-no during your pregnancy:

1. Raw Seafood:

You may have a sudden hankering for sushi but avoid it at all costs! As raw fish carry high level of methylmercury, that can cause food-borne diseases like listeriosis which can be dangerous for your unborn baby.

2. Undercooked Meat:

Always make sure that you cook your meat well as the bacteria mentioned above can be present in meat that is undercooked. If you are cooking meat for a meal, take care to cook it well so that you can digest it easily and also avoid the risk of listeriosis. Try and avoid eating meat outside.

3. Non-Pasteurized Cheeses:

Avoid soft cheeses that are not pasteurized and stick to hard cheeses only during your pregnancy, especially during your 6th month. Disease-causing bacteria can also be present in this type of cheese so omit it from your diet.

4. Spicy Food:

There will be times when you want to eat something hot and spicy; however, it is best to avoid anything that is too spicy. It can cause your stomach to burn and cause indigestion and great discomfort. It is also not one of the best flavors to give your baby, so curb your cravings for anything too spicy.

5. Caffeine:

Needless to say, it is best to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee and aerated drinks. It is a much healthier option to drink herbal tea as it will sooth and calm you, which is exactly what you need while you are pregnant. Then again, check with your doctor, as some women are put off green or herbal tea during pregnancy.

6. Alcohol And Tobacco:

It is no secret that you need to completely stay away from alcohol and tobacco while you are pregnant. The damage done to your baby can be irreparable, even fatal, when you smoke or drink during pregnancy.


Apart from these foods, you should also avoid taking any over the counter medication. If you have a condition that requires you to take medication, consult your doctor and find out if it is safe to be taken while you are pregnant. Only the medicines and supplements prescribed by your doctor should be taken and it is of utmost importance to find out if any other medicines you are taking are safe for your baby. Make sure you make it very clear to your doctor that you are pregnant.
Eating a balanced diet and providing your body and your baby with all the essential nutrients required should be your primary goal. When you make sure that what you take in on a daily basis is healthy and beneficial for your baby�s development and growth, you ensure that your baby grows up to be a bouncing, healthy little angel!
Stay healthy and take care of yourself as well as your baby. A healthy mother delivers a healthy baby, so remember your health is of utmost importance too!

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