7th Month Pregnancy Diet - Which Foods To Eat And Avoid?

7th Month Pregnancy Diet

You are in the third trimester of your pregnancy and the excitement of the coming due date is bound to keep you smiling all day! There are certain symptoms that will occur during this stage and the best way to overcome them is to eat the right kind of foods.
As with other stages in your pregnancy, there are foods that you should have plenty of and foods that you should avoid at this time of your life. Make sure that you eat healthy and avoid the wrong diet; it is a guaranteed way to ensure that your baby develops and grows properly.
Plus, you also get the nutrients that you need to keep you strong when you finally give birth to your bundle of joy!

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet:

During the third trimester of your pregnancy, the diet that you consume should be focused on the health of your baby who is to arrive soon. You should consume foods that provide you with approximately 450 extra calories on a daily basis.
The key is � in moderation! Instead of eating a large meal at once, have small portions throughout the day to give your baby the nutrition she needs to grow. Here are foods that you should eat during this stage of your pregnancy:

1. Iron And Protein-Rich Foods:

During your third trimester, extra iron is important to avoid anaemia, hemorrhage during delivery. You need around 27 mg of iron daily. Get your required dose of iron and protein from foods like red meat, beans, poultry, seeds and rice. The amino acids that you get from protein you consume will aid in the rapid growth of your little one.

2. Calcium Rich Foods:

Calcium is important throughout your pregnancy; however, it is especially crucial during the third trimester, since calcium arrangement in your baby�s skeleton takes place. Experts recommend a minimum of 1,000 mg of calcium as the daily intake. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and foods like oatmeal and salmon are rich sources of calcium.

3. Magnesium Rich Foods:

Magnesium will help in absorbing the calcium that you consume and also provides relief from leg cramps, helps in relaxing your muscles and prevents premature labor. You should take in approximately 350 to 400 mg of magnesium every day. Almonds, oat bran, black beans, barley, artichoke, pumpkin seeds, etc., are rich sources of magnesium.

4. Foods With DHA:

DHA is a fatty acid that helps your baby�s brain in developing properly. Experts recommend about 200 mg on a daily basis. You can find DHA in foods such as milk, eggs and juices.

5. Folic Acid:

Consumption of folic acids is a must to every pregnant mother, before and during pregnancy. During the third trimester, folic acid helps decrease the risk of defects of your baby�s neural tube. You can find folic acid in foods that include grains like oatmeal, collards or dark leafy vegetables and fruits like strawberries and oranges. You should get about 600-800 mg every day.

6. Fibre-Rich Foods:

To prevent constipation, which is one of the common symptoms of third trimester, you should consume plenty of fibre-rich foods. You should include vegetables, fruits (fresh and dried), legumes and whole grains in your diet. Do not forget that the water in your digestive tract is rapidly absorbed by fibre, so drink plenty of water and other fluids to replenish your body.

7. Foods Rich In Vitamin C:

  • To make sure that the iron you take in is properly absorbed in your body, you should eat foods that are rich in vitamin C. Rich sources of this vitamin include citrus fruits such as melons, lemons, and oranges as well as green pepper and broccoli.

What Not To Eat During The 7th Month?

Heartburn, swelling of hands and feet, fatigue and constipation are some of the symptoms that you will go through during the third trimester of your pregnancy.
To avoid these symptoms, eliminate certain foods from your 7th month of pregnancy diet. This will help in relieving any discomfort and provide your baby get the proper nutrition.. Here are foods that you should avoid in diet during 7th month of pregnancy:

1. High-Fat And Spicy Foods:

To make sure that you do not have to go through the discomfort of heartburn, you should stay away from fried foods that are high in fat content. You should also avoid spicy foods as they too contribute to heartburn. Experts recommend eating a light meal for dinner.

2. Sodium-Packed Foods:

Bloating and swelling can be prevented by drinking plenty of fluids. You should always drink plenty of water. Reducing your intake of sodium is also important so keep away from foods high in salt content such as chips, ketchup, canned foods, pickles and sauces, to name a few.

3. Caffeine, Alcohol And Tobacco:

Needless to say, these foods should be avoided at all costs throughout your pregnancy. Caffeinated beverages can cause constipation and make you feel uncomfortable especially at this stage of your pregnancy, so it is best to keep them off your daily diet. Alcohol and tobacco are of course very harmful for your baby so quit while you can!

4. Junk Foods:

A small portion of junk food when you have cravings is perfectly alright; however, it is important to remember not to overdo it. Processed foods do not have nutritive value. It is best to make healthy homemade snacks like carrot sticks, sandwiches with whole-grain breads, etc. This way, you fill your stomach and give your baby the nutrition to grow healthily.
Eating a balanced and healthy diet is an important part of pregnancy, as it not only gives you strength and nutrition, but also benefits your baby. Apart from a healthy diet, it is also important for you to do light or moderate exercises every day.
Prenatal yoga, walking and swimming are great activities to prevent fast and excessive weight gain and also help in keeping you strong and fit for delivery. When you make sure that you take care of yourself, you also take care of your little one before he or she comes into this world!

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