Top foods with high vitamin B12 / cobalamin

Human being requires certain vitamins as well as minerals to boost their health and gets smoothness in day to day operation. Proper nutrients in food would be an important consideration for every individual willing to stay healthy and fit. Even if you don�t want any diseases attack your body, certain vitamins, minerals as well as nutrients would be essential. Vitamin B12 is also one among the most essential vitamins which is required by human body.  Since it is a complex vitamin, problems such as fatigue, anemia as well as depression can be eradicated on regular consumption of it in the diet. But, if you don�t consume it adequately in your diet, there might be problems in the central nervous system and brain. You can now get some effective food in nature that will help you fulfill the need of vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 actually is required in your body as it helps in is a nutrition for your red blood cells, integration of DNA synthesis and boosting the nerve function. As recommended by the physician, vitamin B12 / Cobalamin must be of 2.4 grams in your body to stay healthy. Let us find out the list of foods that include such vitamins.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) rich high foods

Animal foods are the rich sources of vitamin B12 as beef, meat, dairy milk products, and eggs contain large amount of vitamin B12. Below are the some Vitamin B12 rich foods.
Beef liver also contains the high amount of vitamin B12. That is why beef is a food rich in vitamin B12, protein, zinc, calcium and iron.

Animal liver

1000 grams of liver supplies more than 300 micrograms of Vitamin B12. Liver is furthermore wealthy in nutrients that are loaded with vitamins, proteins and minerals that can be useful for the development of the body.


Eggs comprise high allowances of Vitamin B12. In chicken eggs, egg yolks are wealthy in Vitamin B12.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a wealthy source of Vitamin B12 and folic acids that can nourish the heart and the body�s reproductive system.
Oatmeal contains essential nutrients and vitamins. Oats are one of a rich source of vitamin B12.

Curd (yogurt)

Curd is the main source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin (Vitamin B1), and cobalamin (vitamin B12). Take low-fat curd or fat-free because it adds low fat and rich in nutrients to your body.


Milk highly contains of calcium, iron and vitamins that are essential for body growth. Milk is also one of the rich in Vitamin B12 with addition minerals.


Fish mackerel
Shellfish can be available in the sea side as they are grown there. But, today you can even get it in many super malls that sell non vegan items. You must consume shellfish at least 3 times in a week as it contains good amount of Vitamin B12.
You can now get Mackerel easily in the market as the demand of this fish has increased due to its health benefits. Since it has good amount of Vitamin B- 12 consuming 100 gm of such fish will be ideal to improve your health condition.


Crab is also one of the living being that is available near the sea shores. You can get it from the market to bring home and prepare a tasty dish with all types of spices. This will not only change certain taste on your tongue but also have a great health benefit of Vitamin B12.


You can now consume fortified cereals on a regular basis in your meals or in the form of bread so that good amount of vitamin B12 gets inside your body. If you can consume 100 gram of the same, it will be ideal to get enough nutrition in your body which will help you stay away from dizziness, anemic appearance, depression etc.

Skim milk or low fat dairy milk

You should also consume skim milk on a regular basis as this includes vitamin B12. Some people with a tendency to add up fat in their body might not dare to consume milk with fat as this is also a reason to increase the fat layer and give rise to all types of complications. But, skimmed milk or dairy milk is a wonderful substitute which will not only keep you fit with inclusion of low fat but also will give you benefit from vitamin B12.
You must consume an egg in any form every day as it also includes vitamin B12 which is beneficial for your health. But remember to consume eggs of chicken and not of duck or other birds as eggs hatched by chicken has maximum benefit of including vitamin B12.

Fortified soy products

If you are pure vegetarian, there are also some food items that will help you get adequate quantity of vitamin B12 in your diet. Some of the fortified Soy products are really beneficial in this regard. Silken Tofu is one among such variety. You can also have soya chunks in your diet to get adequate quantity of vitamin B12.  If you are preparing noodles in breakfast, add some soya chunks to it which will not only add taste but also will give rise to the benefits of Vitamin B12.  While making tasty vegetable fried rice adding few soy chunks will be a great idea.


Some people have an impression that cheese can add additional fat to their body and give rise to bulk and obese syndrome. But, this fact is always not right. If you do not consume cheese in bulk, there will be no reason that will make you fat. Also choosing the variety of cheese is important while consuming. Swiss cheese is one of the best one that has healthy fat and is really rich in vitamin B12.  You can easily consume the cheese to increase the level of vitamin B12 in your diet.


Some of us might not know that clams work in a wonderful way to provide vitamin B12 / Cobalamin in our body. These are also known as super foods that have variety of health benefits. The iron content in clam also works in a great way to keep women healthy. This is also one of the top sources of potassium and vitamin B12. You must have it on a regular basis to have enough quantity of vitamin B12 in your body.


Did you ever taste the flesh or turkey? I am not asking you to have it raw, rather you must cook it and have. You will actually feel awesome after having such wonderful dish. Now, this has also got some health benefits. You will actually get adequate amount of vitamin B12 / Cobalamin in the Turkey. If you can have heritage turkey, that will be imbibed with flavors.


You must have heard about the Oyster shells. Yes, those have wonderful health benefits being the sea foods. If you can consume just 3 ounces of Oyster, you will be able to gain 10.2 milligrams of iron within your body. Also the calorie intake will be around 116 in this regard. Also, it serves the purpose of getting adequate amount of vitamin B12.
The sea food known as salmon, also have variety of health benefit. You must go for the wild salmon that is found in Alaska. According to environmental defense fund, salmon is available in the fisheries that are well maintained. There won�t be any source of contamination in this regard.  You can now get salmons from the eco friendly farms. Now the best part is, the salmon is loaded with good amount of vitamin B12.

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