Home Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Some of the home remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome include the use of bee pollen, maca root, iodine, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, ginseng, licorice, astragalus, alfalfa, oats, St. John�s Wort, and valerian root, as well as certain behavioral remedies including acupuncture and chiropractic care.
This unfortunate condition afflicts millions of people around the world, and while the small percentage in terms of the global population often leaves this disease below the radar, it can significantly affect the lives of those who suffer from it. Unfortunately, there is no clear cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, although experts believe that it can be a result of genetic, environmental, infectious, biologic, and psychological factors. That may seem like a wide range of possibilities, so most people treat the symptoms rather than whatever may be causing the condition. It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or post-viral fatigue syndrome. Someone is diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome if they experience the symptoms of the condition for more than 6 months.
While fatigue is extremely common in a variety of other conditions, this type of condition has no clear cause and is chronic, whereas most illness-induced fatigue fades during the recovery process. While there are plenty of pharmaceutical or allopathic treatments for most diseases, medication plays a very minor role in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, for serious cases, a professional medical consultation is recommended, as the syndrome may be a sign of a much more serious disease.
When diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome, it is important to rule out any other medical conditions that may be causing similar symptoms, such as morbid obesity, eating disorders, insomnia, schizophrenia, depression,bipolar disorders, substance abuse, and any other pathogenic illness from bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
Before determining whether you need to begin treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, it is important to know what symptoms to look for, as well as what effects this sort of constant exhaustion can have on your body.

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

As the name implies, severe fatigue and exhaustion are the major symptoms of this condition, but there are also other signs and symptoms, some of which are a secondary symptom or effect of the exhaustion in the body and mind. The most common symptoms are outlined below.
Ongoing exhaustion after physical exertion
Unsatisfying, restless, or perpetually disturbed sleep
Unusually severe headaches
Muscle and joint pain
Cognitive exhaustion or confusion
Chills and night sweats
Severe psychological disturbances
Increased sensitivity to light, sounds, and smells
Digestive issues
Swollen lymph nodes
Cardiovascular and respiratory distress
chronicfatiguesyndromeAs you can see, this condition, although it initially sounds like it could be solved by a good night�s sleep, is actually quite serious and can drastically impact the quality of life for someone afflicted by it. Since there is no recommended allopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, most specialists recommend cognitive behavioral therapy and gradedexercise therapy. However, many people afflicted with CFS choose natural and home remedies to relieve this condition before it affects their life too severely. Below are some of the most popular and effective home remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Home Remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Ginseng: One very common cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is stress, which ginseng has long been known to prevent. Also, ginseng is beneficial for vitality and alertness, so it is commonly used for people suffering from exhaustion, both mental and physical. It also has a wealth of antioxidants, making it good for boosting immunity against any infections that may cause CFS. Furthermore, ginseng is very good for boosting mental and physical performance, both of which are commonly impaired by CFS.
Alfalfa: This herb can increase appetite and improve digestion, which provides the body with energy and increased functionality to combat the symptoms of CFS. Alfalfa can improve cognitive ability and reduceanxiety and stress. Since hormonal production is sometimes compromised by CFS, the hormonal boost that comes from alfalfa can counter that unfortunate side effect and keep the body�s systems functioning normally.
Astragalus: In terms of general weakness of the muscles and body, astragalus boosts vitality and provides bursts of energy, which is normally impossible if you suffer from severe CFS. It also has impressive immune system-boosting effects, working to prevent bacterial and viral infections. Finally, astragalus shortens the recovery period after illness or surgery, preventing the compounded weakness of illness and CFS.
Licorice: Licorice can act in a similar manner to steroids, boosting the body�s production of cortisol and adrenaline, which helps to improve the body�s response to stress and anxiety. Furthermore, when you are in a weakened condition, licorice can enhance your immune system and provide excess energy to combat fatigue.
Oats: Various types of grain are energy sources and oats are no exception. Whether your fatigue stems from substance abuse, overexertion, sexual excess, or mental anxiety, oats can get your body back in top shape by providing necessary nutritious elements to the diet. Oats also help to regulate the cardiovascular system and eases heart palpitations. Oats can also ease the stress of insomnia by guaranteeing a good night�s sleep. Furthermore, oats are known to be brain food, stimulating mental acuity and clearing the mind of any fogginess brought on by excessive exhaustion.
Bee Pollen: This is an unusual natural remedy, and not necessarily easy to find, but it is often considered to be a perfect food, meaning that it has an ideal combination of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, and other nutrients to keep the body in proper working shape. If you consume bee pollen on a regular basis, it can combat physical and mental weakness that is commonly associated with CFS and provide a balanced amount of energy throughout the day.
Maca Root: This is one of the oldest home remedies on earth, and it has been in use for thousands of years in various South American countries. It is known to regulate the hormonal balance in the body and also boost energy and vitality. Maca root is rich in B-vitamins, which are known to positively effect the adrenal and pituitary glands, two of the important hormone producing glands in the endocrine system. By regulating hormones with maca root, you can be sure that your energy levels and organ functionality are at ideal levels.
St. John�s Wort: This popular herbal remedy for many health conditions is also very good for treating CFS. It is very frequently used to relieve depression and anxiety, while also helping with better, more restful sleep. St. John�s Wort is also specifically effective against various viral strains that can easily cause excess exhaustion and fatigue, such as the herpes simplex virus.
Valerian Root: This root herb is a preferred method for many people who suffer from insomnia or restless sleep disorders. Adding valerian root to your health regiment can guarantee a good night�s sleep, leaving you full of energy and revitalized in the morning, countering, or at least not compounding, the effects of CFS.
Acupuncture: Although the jury is still technically out on the validity of acupuncture for many health conditions, there have been many positive research results foracupuncture as a treatment for immune system weakness, as well as insomnia and exhaustion. By managing the body�s energy patterns, known as �chi�, acupuncture helps to regulate internal functions and brings organ systems to a more stable, balanced level. Always see a trained acupuncturist for any treatments.
Chiropractic Care: This home remedy involves using a doctor, but it is still considered somewhere between alternative and allopathic treatment. By relieving the internal stress on joints, muscles, and bones, achiropractor can get your body into a balanced, less painful state, and by relieving that inherent stress in the body, CFS has less of a compounded effect on overall weakness.

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